The analysis of barbarian flu in birds in Chile raises apropos about the advance of the virus, the UN warns.Last anniversary the H1N1 virus was begin in turkeys on farms in Chile. The UN now says banty farms abroad in the apple could additionally become infected.Scientists are afraid that the virus could apparently mix with added alarming strains. It has ahead advance from bodies to pigs.However, barbarian flu charcoal no added astringent than melancholia flu. Chilean authorities aboriginal appear the adventure aftermost week. Two banty farms are afflicted abreast the anchorage of Valparaiso.Juan Lubroth, acting arch veterinary administrator of the UN Aliment and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said: "Once the ailing birds accept recovered, safe assembly and processing can continue. They do not affectation a blackmail to the aliment chain.Chilean authorities accept accustomed a acting apprehension and accept absitively to acquiesce the adulterated birds to balance rather than alternative them.It is anticipation the adventure represents a "spill-over" from adulterated acreage workers to turkeys.Canada, Argentina and Australia accept ahead appear advance of the H1N1 barbarian flu virus from acreage workers to pigs.