Business is driven by sales and profit. The things we have are driven by choices and income. The internet is driven by search and website hosting. Search is corner stone of Search engines, the more searchers they have the more advertising they can charge for keywords and ads. To me the search possible you have to have cheap webhosting. If there are no sites to find, then you would not need search. Web hosting has done like many things on the internet, the cost has gotten a lot cheaper, support is a lot better and up time or should I say down time of your webhosting server is now almost non existence. Webhosting has allowed businesses to market their wares to a larger base of customers than any other form of media, expect maybe some television shows or events televised on TV.The webhosting provider rating system is based on many factors of affordability, my favorite, reliability(most important) along with uptime, customer satisfaction and techical support. All of those make up a good web hosting service.Business transactions have been increasing every year since the internet has come of age, unless something major happens it will maintain that path is the foreseeable future.