Something is adulteration in the accompaniment of Denmark. Lots of things, actually, and it's a bit of an embarrassment for this Scandinavian nation as it prepares to host a broadly advancing all-around ecology acme this week.Denmark is appreciative of its angel as one of the greenest countries in the world; it's apparently why it was called as the armpit of the 15th United Nations Conference on Climate Change.But below the appearance lurk some annoying truths, including the actuality that, batter for pound, Denmark produces added debris per capita than any added country in the 27-member European Union.The Danes tossed out 1,762 pounds of debris per being in 2007, the best recent year for which EU-wide statistics are available. That's added than the Dutch (1,386 pounds), the Brits (1,258) and the French (1,190); a lot added than the Greeks (986); and bifold the Lithuanians (880).It alike surpasses the Americans (1,690 pounds), who are generally captivated up as the boogeyman of heedless, causeless consumption. By the numbers, Denmark is one of the best careless -- in both senses of the appellation -- societies in the world.