The FBI is now complex in the chase for a doubtable in the baleful Thanksgiving Day shootings of four of his relatives, according to abstracts filed Friday in federal cloister in West Palm Beach.The filing indicates the FBI has abutting the Jupiter Police Department and the U.S. Marshal's Service in the manhunt because prosecutors accept he has fled the state. It additionally acclaimed Paul Merhige had calm accouterment and a computer adamantine drive, and withdrew "a ample bulk of cash" afore the shootings.According to the affidavit account by FBI assignment force abettor Paul Bruno, Merhige "had biking funds accessible to him" and got his authorization from his mother a anniversary earlier.Meanwhile, a accolade for Merhige's arrest has been added to $35,000.The Jupiter Police Department said Friday that a bounded business donated $10,000, abacus to the $25,000 already offered. The business asked to abide anonymous. Police additionally appear surveillance video of the doubtable at a South Florida gun boutique the day afore the shootings.